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  • Do I have to be Catholic to go to your school?
    You do not have to be Catholic to attend our school. We are happy to welcome students and families of many faiths! Students learn about many faith traditions at HRSJ School. We happily open our doors to families seeking an authentic Catholic education, regardless of your particular affiliation. School ministry is recognized as part of our overall evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church. The curriculum does include religion courses teaching the Catholic faith and values, and students attend regular school masses.
  • What differentiates a Catholic school from other public or private schools?
    Catholic schools are transformational; they make a difference in the life of every student. The Catholic faith is purposefully blended into every aspect of the school, curriculum, faculty-staff, and activities. We help students grow academically and in their faith lives. Diversity is celebrated in all Catholic schools. The word “Catholic” means "universal", and Catholic schools try to make every child feel welcome in the classroom, playground, and trhoughout the campus. HRSJ School is a close-knit community, and there is a place there for everyone. If you visit our school, you will see and feel the difference immediately. Please contact us to schedule a tour!
  • Will a Catholic school provide a safe and secure environment for my children?
    Yes. Catholic schools are not just buildings, we are communities, comprised of administrators, faculty, staff, families, and students all working towards a common good. This collaborative approach surrounds students in a safe and caring environment, where students receive the attention they need. Of course, Catholic schools and properties must also observe the same safety and security procedures as all other schools in the state of Califronia.
  • What is expected of Catholic school parents?
    Parents are viewed as the primary educators of their children. Catholic schools are here to help provide structure and content to supplement the faith, values, and education that parents want for their children. We provide the resources of a strong faith community to assist and support you. Parents are part of Catholic schools and are never alone in the community.
  • Are you accredited?
    Yes. We are acreddited through the Western Asssociation of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and are recognized by the California Department of Education (this is the same accreditation that public schools must earn). We aer also accredited through the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA) which ensures that we are upholding our duty as a Catholic school to teach the faith authentically and effectively.
  • Do your teachers have a credential?
    Yes. The unfortunately popular myth that Catholic schools have uncredentialed teachers is simply not true. We ensure that each of our teachers is qualified to teach their grade levels and subjects. The entire teaching faculty is required to hold valid state licensure for the grade level and subject area that they are teaching. Teachers hold credentials ranging from Intern teaching credentials (they are finalizing their preliminary credential through the state), to Clear Credentials (credentials that simply have to be renewed every five years after all coursework and evaluations have been made). In addition, teachers are required to maintain professional development and continuing education in both subject area and catechetical certification.
  • Will my child be asked to perform service projects?
    Yes. An important part of Catholic teaching is centered in service to others. We emphasize service to others as a vital Christian teaching, and believe it’s an important part of living witness of the Catholic faith.
  • What do you teach?
    Holy Redeemer - St. James Catholic School implements an innovative program where parents and teachers help design a curriculum that meets the needs of their children. Our curriculum utilizes Common Core Mathematics and English Language Arts, Next Generation Science Standards, California Social Studies Standards, and the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Regligion Standards. These form the core of our instructional model. However, we are continually adapting and using other sources of information to augment this core in order to build a program that prepares our students to be outstanding leaders of character, faith, and brilliance. We do not adhere to one method of teaching such as "Classical Education." Instead, we incorporate the best methods from many models of teaching such as the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric of Classical Education, the Hands-on approach of Montesorri, and many others. No single system of instruction is without its flaws and our approach seeks to use the best attributes from the many pedagogical methods that exist.
  • How is religion taught?
    Religion is a prime focus of our curriculum. It is incorporated through prayer, liturgy, discipline and instruction on a daily basis. Each class engages in a social justice project. We regularly attend weekly Mass, joining with the parish. We also celebrate major feast days. We follow the Archdiocese Religion Standards released in 2018 (learn more).
  • How can I afford a Catholic education?
    We are committed to ensuring that a Catholic school education is available for all those who would like one. We recognize the sacrifice that you make to ensure a safe, faith-filled, and academic environment for your child and appreciate the opportunity to serve and the trust placed in us. Families seeking a discounted tuition rate or accommodation with service hours, fundraising, daycare, fees, or SCRIP have options for support: Discounted In-Parish Rate – offered annually to families that attend Mass regularly and participate in the life of HRSJ Parish. A discounted tuition rate is available for families that are registered and donate using envelopes to the Church at a Mass on 36 of the previous year’s Sundays. In-House Aid Program – offered as needed. Amounts are negotiable, private, and specific to each family’s need and situation. If you would like to meet, please see the principal. These programs require the completion of a one or two page form, available in the office, and supporting income paperwork (either the most recent tax filing or a notarized income statement). Please contact the Office or Principal.
  • What is SCRIP?
    In an effort to keep tuition low and provide a high-quality academic program, we ask each family to participate in the SCRIP program for the year. SCRIP are gift certificates and cards that the school sells, for which we earn a percentage of the value purchased. Our goal is to fundraise off of the everyday purchases our families make.
  • What are service hours?
    Service Hours are ways to encourage our families to participate and support the school. Volunteering at events, field trips, and during the school day are all ways to earn service hours. Extra donations of money or supplies can also count as service hours. A representative of the school must certify your hours.
  • I have a question that isn’t on here, how do I ask it?"
    Please contact our school office for any questions not answered here. You can also contact us here to ask your question. Thank you for considering Holy Redeemer - St. James Catholic School for your child's education!
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Holy Redeemer - St. James School

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Telephone: 818-248-7778



4635 Dunsmore Avenue Glendale, CA 91214

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